Culture is often simply defined as the 'way we do things around here', yet in reality it is much deeper and more powerful than this. Organisational cultural research has its roots in anthropology, the research into understanding societal cultures through a social sciences approach - exploring the 'why'.
It is based on what people believe is true about the organisation. These beliefs drive the behaviours, decisions and choices about where people place effort, what to pay attention to (& ignore) in incredibly powerful ways that affect qualitative and quantitative performance.
There are strong correlations between organisations that sustainably perform, achieve and can adapt and cultures that are confident, focus on being excellent, hold a coaching/ developmental and achievement orientation.
Research has shown, if there is no other difference between two organisations (context, sector, purpose, resources, and employing ‘normal’ people), a more constructive culture can equate to a 27% increase in tangible bottom line results.
Over the years examples of dysfunctional cultures driving sub-optimal performance with sometimes catastrophic outcomes continue to feature in the news. Some notable examples include:
The majority of organisational cultures do not lead to these extremes. Our work with clients working on shifting their culture leads to eliminating waste, better decision making, improved performance, adaptability, being a more satisfying place to work and more.
Culture can be changed, though not 'managed' in a traditional project management way.
Our approach is based on robust research and practice and utilises a combination of planned and iterative interventions around 4 ingredients. How these are executed is different for each organisation, and comes from working with you specifically for your organisation to create cultural shift. These are not 'steps' or 'phases' and typically happen concurrently.
Of all the climate factors - leadership has the biggest impact on culture. This ingredient involves:
Developing advanced skills to engage in creating constructive and rich dialogue to increase each individual's involvement. Creating shared stories, a new language and a strong picture of the future.
This ingredient involves identifying the factors which are having the greatest impact in driving the current culture, re-designing these factors aligned to the desired culture and being highly attuned to how the current culture may try to sneak in!
This is where our extensive organisational design and development experience can enable the desired impact.
This is a critical and often most neglected ingredient. It involves growing reflexivity - grounded in social theory - it's the capability to become aware of the circular relationships between cause and effect.
In practice this involves knowing where the culture is and is moving, building high levels of self-awareness in leaders, and creating a reality check from the view of others.
For accurate and robust diagnostic insights we use Human Synergistics integrated diagnostic tools.
Human Synergistics is the pioneer in quantifying organisation development and talent management concepts, including organisational culture, leadership impact, team synergy, and individual behavioural styles.